CO-DOT is upgrading roads and routes near our office. Please prepare yourself for possible traffic delays when coming into the office.

  • Psycho-oncology: Well-Being Support for Adults Facing Cancer & Their Loved Ones

    Cancer can be a major disrupter to one’s life. Some people find that most aspects of your mind and body feel impacted by a cancer diagnosis. 

    Psycho-oncology is a subspecialty of cancer care focused on the emotional, cognitive, behavioral and social impacts of disease process and cancer experience.   Psycho-oncology providers explore the social, behavioral, spiritual and psychological implications of cancer and provide tools to help you navigate the cancer journey and gain a greater sense of well-being.

    Cancer can result in feeling exhausted and depleted– it can feel like your sense of “normal” is missing and replaced by an alternate reality. It’s common to experience sadness or grief when the normal, daily activities you used to do seem out of reach. This can lead to feelings of loss and isolation. There is so much new information to learn and adjust to, which can make it difficult to know how best to adaptively cope with the uncertainty that is a cancer journey.

    While you may be struggling physically as a result of your cancer treatment, know that you can remain well mentally and emotionally, despite cancer– and the professionals at Shift Healing are here to be an integral part of your mental wellness journey.

    Psychological Effects of Cancer

    If you are living with cancer it is common to experience anxiety, depression, grief and other biopsychological and spiritual distress. We will help you develop an approach to coping skills that reframe your perspective and help you identify not only ways to manage but ways to grow — not just in spite, but because of your cancer journey.

    Undiagnosed emotional distress is a major treatment gap in cancer care.  Learn more about that here in a recent article.

    Behavioral Effects of Cancer

    When you are struggling with your mental health in the face of a cancer diagnosis and treatment, your behavior may change. Not only your mood, but also your every day activity can change dramatically. We will help you understand the areas to adjust behavior that can boost mood and increase your ability to cope throughout your cancer journey. 

    Social Effects of Cancer

    The cancer journey is stressful, and, as with any traumatic experiences, social connections can provide valuable emotional and practical support. We can help reinforce the value an important of social interaction and help you cope with the way it changes in the face of a cancer diagnosis. 

    Additionally, social roles and relationships may be impacted in both positive and challenging ways. The team at Shift Healing is extensive expertise in helping people navigate communication, boundaries and social connections during and beyond cancer treatment.

    Life with Cancer is Complex...

    … and when you are navigating your cancer journey, dealing with pain, increased stress, treatment side effects, or just coming to grips with the the reality of living with cancer– complex only scratches the surface. At Shift Healing we can help you– no matter what challenges lies ahead– unlock powerful tools to manage your mental and emotional well-being in the face of your cancer diagnosis.

    Turning Adversity Into Strength

    Psychotherapy during and beyond cancer treatment is a powerful way to face the challenges and inevitable emotional ups and downs. By acknowledging and expressing difficult and complex emotions, instead of internalizing them, we can often turn our pain and confusion into unimaginable strength and power.

    At Shift Healing, we specialize in helping people in Denver, Colorado and throughout the United States who are living with cancer navigate their inner world so they can not only survive their psychological and emotional challenges but thrive beyond of them.

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    Psychotherapy for Cancer Care

    A cancer diagnosis is never something we plan for– but when that fateful diagnosis occurs your life, and the world for your and your loved ones is turned upside down.

    More so, as you adjust to living with cancer, the new normal– that is anything but normal– can be difficult to navigate. We may not be able to do the same things we used to, our strength, our energy, all feels different. Positive outlooks and emotions are harder to maintain and may even be replaced with negativity– it’s not unusual to feel fear, stroness, anger, shame and low self-worth due to the effects of living with cancer.

    These negative emotions are not uncommon for patients and caregivers who are coping with cancer, they are understandable– but when those negative emotions become chronic and persisting– that’s when it’s time to seek help.

    Adaptive Coping and Solution-Focused Therapy for Living with Cancer

    Using practical solutions-focused and relational therapy, we offer tangible results that can help you transform your life. Take the negative emotions and self-talk and learn how to address it and manage it. Together with the team at Shift Healing, we will identify your feelings, attitudes and limiting beliefs surrounding how cancer has affected your life. We will look beyond the diagnosis to understand the origins of any damaging thought patterns to create new positive mental and emotional habits toward enhanced resilience to navigate your cancer journey.

    Ready to Talk about your Cancer Experience?

    The qualified professionals at Shift Healing have experience with individuals working with the challenges of living with cancer and provide support in the area of your treatment that can sometimes be overlooked.

    If you’d like to speak to someone and learn practical strategies to help you live your life to the fullest, please reach out to us.