The Psychological and Emotional Impacts of Cancer

The news of cancer affects us all in a deeply personal way, but no one escapes the magnitude and swiftness with which cancer can change your life. While the words themselves are small like pebbles, the repercussions of a diagnosis spread through your life like ripples on the water. While in real life the water eventually stills after the pebble is thrown, the ripple effects of cancer stay with you from diagnosis to treatment– and through the rest of your life.
Studies show that approximately one-third of cancer patients live with a co-morbid mental health condition. True and holistic cancer treatment requires the professional support of an entire medical team, so you are not just addressing your physical health, but your mental, social, and spiritual health as well.
Common Psychosocial Impact for Cancer Thrivers
To transition from surviving to thriving it’s important to recognize the psychological and emotional impacts of cancer, what feelings are common and what other thrivers have experienced and conquered through their cancer journey.
Grief is often one of the first few emotions those living with cancer face. It is a natural response to loss– and when you first receive a cancer diagnosis, loss is present at every corner. Loss of the health you had depended on; loss of your physical independence; loss of control of your schedule. Sometimes it is a physical loss, a change in appearance or the loss of fertility or sex drive. Sometimes it is the loss of the life you had or the one you were planning.
Recognizing and validating your grief is an important first step as you begin to develop new goals and rebuild some of the things you may have lost along the way. Some thrivers begin to recognize that grief and gratitude can live harmoniously within you as heal and evolve from the cancer experience.